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Search Engine Optimization

According to a recent survey people have moved away from searching print media for their needs. They use search engines to find the products and services. The first step to have a successful presence over the internet is creating your own website but that is not enough. When someone searches for the products/services that you offer your name needs to be listed high in the search engine.

EtherSoftex guarantees you search engine optimization using which your organizations name will feature in the top ten listing in all the search engines. This will ensure that the traffic to your site will increase exponentially aiding you in the sales of more products and services.

How Important Is Search Engine Optimisation?

EtherSoftex Pvt, Ltd provides cost-effective and innovative search engine optimisation services to improve the website ranking. A good ranking helps to improve the web traffic resulting in improved customer conversion.

Our SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) specialists make sure that your websites, secure a top rank in popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc. This helps the clients to promote their services and products globally. We provide quality and affordable SEO services to our clients. We use standard ethical SEO techniques to help improve ranking and position in leading search engines. Our services include complete On-Page & Off-Page innovative techniques.

On-Page Optimisation:

  •  Keyword research & selection
  •  Title tag optimisation
  •  META tags optimisation
  •  Image alt tags optimisation
  •  HTML code corrections
  •  Content optimisation
  •  Google analytics setup
  •  Google XML sitemap
  •  Check for broken links

Off-Page Optimisation:

  •  Directory submission
  •  Forum postings
  •  Blogs creation and submission
  •  Press release creation and submission
  •  Article submission
  •  Classified Ad creation and submission
  •  Reciprocal links

We have invested enough resources to develop an SEO system that is far superior to anything else in the market.

Our talented team who designs the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plan for you have the proven record of accomplishment of delivering the best marketing strategies after detailed analysis and as per your business needs.

Through our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) service our clients have gotten excellent long-term results along with this you will be able to enjoy a basketful of benefits. Our SEO services will help you in following ways:

  •  Our service is going to increase the visibility of your website on the major search engines.
  •   You will be able to give yourself a competitive edge over your competitors in terms of intensification of quality traffic to your website.
  •   With the help of our qualified and talented SEO experts, you will get the advantage of improvement of keywords which are relevant to your line of business as well as website.

We follow a very robust process flow to give you the best results. Our work as a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Company is the most comprehensive one. We start the SEO activity with the first web consultation & then after researching on the keywords we move towards the alteration activity of metadata. We also offer you the service of content consultation on the front page. For the matter of fact, apart from these services you can also rely on us for reviewing your website’s internal links as well as content writing. Our other ability to provide the service of content writing along with the regular Search Engine Optimization (SEO) service.

Looking for Professional Approach and Quality Services ?